Frequently Asked Questions

The Student Aerospace Advisory Council was created in 1974 by John D. Odegard. Its purpose is to use student feedback to address concerns and implement new ideas in the college, while helping to communicate the aviation faculty and administration's views to students.

SAAC is an interview-only council composed of 8-12 students enrolled in any of the aerospace majors. The council serves all aerospace students and therefore strives to represent each degree program in its ranks. Together, the members of SAAC act as a bridge between the students and the faculty/administration.

SAAC relies on student concerns and questions to create improvements to the student experience at UND Aerospace. We encourage students to share their thoughts in the following ways:

  • Attend our weekly SAAC meeting (Sundays at 4:00pm, Robin Hall 136) to share your thoughts in person
  • Anonymous suggestion boxes, located throughout the aerospace complex and the airport
  • Instagram
  • Email us at
  • Reach out to a council member directly

A student that expresses interest in becoming a member must fill out an application and go through an interview process with the current SAAC officers. Interviews are at the end of every semester.

Each officer is given a position, such as Director of Public Outreach, Director of Student Outreach, Director of Industry Relations, etc. Every officer has their own projects to work on throughout the semester and updates the progress of projects at each weekly meeting.

With guidance from the Dean of Aerospace, SAAC continually pursues its dual-fold mission. First, it uses student concerns and suggestions to implement student-focused solutions in the aerospace college. Second, it interprets faculty and administration policies and procedures back to the student body.

When student concerns are brought to the council, they are routed through the following process:

  1. The council gathers all applicable information regarding the concern
  2. Councilmembers will generate a few plausible solutions
  3. SAAC will collaborate with the necessary faculty and staff to implement the solution
  4. We will continue to gather feedback regarding the solution, and make adjustments as necessary