Recent Accomplishments
Every semester SAAC organizes several events, and works with faculty and staff to improve the college using student feedback and ideas. We could not achieve this without the support of the students, faculty, and staff of the college. SAAC has great appreciation for the individuals involved in helping us work to keep improving the student experience at the John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences.
Previous Projects
Collegiate Mentorship Program
The Collegiate Mentorship Program serves as a way for upperclassmen to share their academic and career experience at the John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Science to new, incoming students. This program aims to provide a unique and personalized experience to familiarize new students with the college and gain insight into academic and career opportunities.
Industry Mentorship Program
The Industry Mentorship Program was created in collaboration with the Aerospace Alumni Advisory Board (AAAB) to connect students with a professional mentor in the student's career field of interest. The program is designed to tailor to the individual needs of any student enrolled in the Aerospace College. The program serves every major under the School of Aerospace Sciences, including Aviation Management and Airport Management.
Aerospace Picnic
In this spring 2022 event, SAAC planned a grab-and-go lunch for aerospace students. From hotdogs to hamburgers, this event aimed to bring student together during the stress of finals week.
Prep for Professionalism
Through this fall 2021 event, SAAC partnered with UND Careers Services to discuss professionalism, interviews, resumes, and more.
Adding an Airport Shuttle Stop
Starting in the fall of 2021, as a seasonal consideration, the airport shuttle will now stop at Wilkerson through the cold, winter months.
Encouragement for AVIT 102 Students
In fall of 2021, SAAC councilmembers helped create, record, and release an advocation video. In this production, we encouraged students to stay motivated throughout their first flight course here at UND.
Virtual Trivia Nights
During the spring of 2021, SAAC hosted a trivia night to provide students with some fun activities amidst the restrictions of in-person events. We hope to continue this tradition in the future.
ATC Lab Upgrades
In July of 2021, SAAC worked with the UND Aerospace administration to provide new ATC labs to students. New labs will allow for more class efficacy and keep UND Aerospace on the cutting-edge of training environments.
Mental Health Task Force
In April of 2021, SAAC helped create a mental health task force within UND Aerospace for students.
Aviation Honors Courses
In January of 2021, SAAC worked with the UND Aerospace administration to provide three new honors courses for students.
Odegard Hall Color Printer
During the fall 2019 semester, SAAC worked with the UND Aerospace administration to get a color printer installed in the link area between Odegard Hall and Streibel Hall. Previously, the nearest color printer for students to use was on the other side of campus.
Stage Check Expectations Guide
In the fall 2019 semester, SAAC worked with stage check pilots, lead flight instructors, and the chief flight instructor to create an updated stage check expectations guide for students to reference when preparing for stage checks. Topics covered include contacting the stage pilot, documents to bring, reference materials to bring, professional attire, professionalism, and where to find topics covered on the stage check. The guide can be found under Flight Training Labs on Blackboard.
Open Labs Xwind Trainer
During spring and fall 2019, SAAC has worked with the UND Aerospace administration to promote the Xwind Trainer to students, and increase its utilization through Open Labs. During Xwind Trainer Open Labs, students can use the Xwind Trainer without their instructor, as CFI applicants are on-hand to assist and mentor students.
Foreflight/Garmin Pilot Practice Area Maps
During spring 2019, SAAC created a KML file to allow UND flight crews to download the GFK practice area map on their EFBs to use with Foreflight and Garmin Pilot.
Robin Hall Classroom Class Schedules
For the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year, SAAC requested that class schedules be posted outside the classrooms in Robin Hall so students could know if a certain classroom was being used before they open the door and walk in.
GFK Area STAR and SID Procedures
SAAC has worked for several semesters to create and implement STAR/SID procedures that UND students could use to practice during their flight training. With much help from various faculty and staff, these procedures were finally completed and implemented for the 2019-2020 school year.
AIMS Improvements
SAAC has a member on the AIMS Development Committee. We take student suggestions to the committee to advocate for improvements. During spring and fall 2019, in addition to suggesting other changes and improvements, SAAC has been working to help create a better help page for AIMS.
Website Building Hours/Flight Ops Contacts
During fall 2019, SAAC saw a need for the UND Aerospace building hours and important UND Flight Operations phone numbers to be posted online. SAAC compiled the required information and was able to get it posted on the website with the help of UND Aerospace staff.
Yearly Events
Aerospace Involvement Fair
At the beginning of every fall semester, SAAC organizes and hosts the Aerospace Involvement Fair. During the fair, students have the opportunity to talk to, and learn about, the college's many student organizations, clubs, and competitive teams.
AVIT 100 Events
In the fall of 2021, SAAC established social opportunities for freshman. This included a scavenger hunt and "meet your peers" engagement.
Dean's Forum
Once every semester SAAC hosts the Dean's Forum as an opportunity for the aerospace administration to deliver information to students and for the students to get their questions answered.
Dean's List Appreciation
Since the fall 2021 semester, SAAC has acknowledged students achieving academic recognition on the Fall Dean's List. In collaboration with the Dean's Office, SAAC has offered items as a gift for our students' accomplishments. Students on the Dean's List for the Fall semester will receive a token of appreciation in January. In conjunction, a list is displayed outside of Odegard Hall 200.
Faculty Luncheons
Each semester, SAAC hosts a luncheon with aerospace faculty to introduce ourselves and solicit input for improving the college.
Hawk Talk
Since spring 2022, SAAC has hosted a TEDx-style speaker series highlighting the accomplished faculty and administration in the Aerospace College. We have highlighted the impressive careers of professors and administrators alike. This is an exceptional opportunity to hear, in detail, the backgrounds of our accomplished faculty that you would not hear in the classroom. SAAC is always looking for suggestions, so please feel free to reach out to us with who you want to hear from next!
Scavenger Hunt
The Aerospace Scavenger Hunt serves the students as a rewarding event to wrap up the semester. Items are placed around the aerospace buildings and are exchanged for a fun reward (gift cards, snack packs, model airplanes, etc.) from the Dean's Office.